Tacheles, the iconic landmark of Berlin, is threatened with eviction. We, as the artists’ collective of Metallwerkstatt, art lovers, and urbanities hereby declare our stance, determination, and the vision of our collective struggle to preserve the Kunsthaus Tacheles for the world.
The Right to the City
We argue for one of the most valuable yet most neglected of human rights: the freedom to make and remake our cities. The right to the city is far more than the individual liberty to access urban resources as it is increasingly falling into the hands of private or quasi-private interests. The rights of city inhabitants over urban spaces are constantly exploited by the capital holders who earn money in the ‘exchange value’ of urban spaces in the capitalist market. We fight for the ‘use value’ of the urban spaces that are appropriated for the collective social uses. The ongoing conflict is part of a process of gentrification in central Berlin, what urban gentrification cause to occur is that wealthier people acquire property in low income and working class communities. To ‘clean’ Tacheles means to get rid of the Zeitgeist- "the spirit of the age"- of Tacheles. Since its inception, Tacheles has been a unique, vivid and inspiring cultural space wherein tens of international artists, musicians, and performers are constantly creating art and has become an attractive destination to visit, explore, experience and enjoy for more than 500.000 people per year. We invite Berliners to reclaim their city and their rights on the use of urban spaces like the Kunsthaus Tacheles.
Fight for the public space
We believe in the power and merit of public space that is open and accessible to all, regardless of gender, class, race, ethnicity, or age. In contrast to the majority of the privatized museums, galleries, and performance halls requiring fees and paid tickets for entrance, Tacheles is a free, open space in the middle of a European capital enriching the public space with the diverse artistic endeavors. We support and fight for the survival of Tacheles as a public space open to all segments of society; from beggars to elite art collectors, from immigrant families to touristic groups, from teenagers to elderly people.
Survival of the Alternative/Free/Independent Forms of Artistic Production
We are against the confinement of art and artistic production to private galleries, institutions, and auctions. Our main goal in Tacheles is to create, produce, circulate and support art for and with the public. We fight for a deeper understanding of public space and a joyful and independent approach to art. Tacheles has functioned for years as an art school wherein many talents have been introduced to the world. The milieu of opportunities and facilities that recently popular artist-in-residence programs are seeking to offer, have already been available in Tacheles free-of-charge since 1990. Every year tens of artists from different parts of the world are coming to create in the international atmosphere of Tacheles.
Tacheles- a 20 years old living monument of Berlin’s urban identity
Kunsthaus Tacheles has become a monument of Berlin and a fixture in every guidebook. Tacheles as a building is itself an art piece. To preserve this art center that represents the historical breaks, markers, and traces of Berlin modernity means to claim our city. As the artists group, we are deeply tied to the ideals of the Zeitgeist of Tacheles which has, for sure, been transformed and is going to be transformed itself under the ever-changing dynamics of neoliberalism. Tacheles is an integral part of Berlin’s urban identity representing the artistic Berlin, the youth culture of Berlin, the cosmopolitan Berlin, the tolerant Berlin, and the inclusive Berlin. We urge Berliners to reclaim Tacheles! Don’t let Tacheles be another one of the thousands shopping malls or hotels. Tacheles lebt!!!